AI: Unpacking the Black Box

A series on the issues and impacts of AI on our society

Where the boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds blur, powered by Artificial Intelligence.

The Journey So Far

From the steam engine’s roar to the silent whispers of digital data, our world has been reshaped through three industrial revolutions. Each era brought unparalleled changes to our societies, economies, and personal lives. Today, we stand at the precipice of a new revolution, one that promises to marry the physical with the digital and biological realms through artificial intelligence.

AI and Society

An empty classroom (AI-generated)

The future of Education

AI is poised to redefine education, making knowledge more accessible and personalized than ever. The future of learning beckons with open arms, ready to embrace all who seek it.

A busy industrial robot factory (AI-generated)

The future of Employment

As we venture into new industries created by AI, and transform existing ones, the landscape of employment is set for an unprecedented evolution. The future of work is here, and it’s time to prepare.

A busy hospital ER (AI-generated)

Healthcare & Longevity

With precision and efficiency, AI is on the brink of revolutionizing healthcare, promising to save millions of lives through advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care.

Religious temple on a hill

Faith & Ethics in an AI world

AI challenges us to redefine what it means to be human, pushing the boundaries of faith and ethics. Join us as we explore these profound changes and the impact they hold for humanity.

Join the Revolution

Have questions or ideas? We’re here to listen and collaborate. Reach out to join the conversation about the future we’re building together.

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About Us

Our Mission

To illuminate the path of innovation as humanity steps into a new era of the fourth industrial revolution. Driven by insatiable curiosity, we aim to explore and change the world around us, integrating artificial intelligence into the very fabric of human existence.

Our Vision

To be at the forefront of educating and guiding society through the transformative power of AI, reshaping education, employment, healthcare, and even our ethical boundaries.

John McElligott, Host

John McElligott, Host of AI: Unpacking the Black Box

John McElligott is a technical futurist with a history of entrepreneurism in software, robotics and applied artificial intelligence. Based in Pennsylvania, he is the Founder and CEO of York Exponential, a robotics company with a specialty in 6 axis robots for small, collaborative, light and large industrial markets, as well as autonomous ground vehicles. John’s forward-thinking mindset, and his ability to take high-level concepts and provide clear understanding for non-technical executives and professionals, has made him a sought-after international speaker.

Previously, John served as Chief Communications Officer and Senior Vice President at Royal Square Development & Construction, overseeing fundraising, strategy, partnerships and construction operations.

A veteran, John’s love of engineering developed during his time as a combat engineer in the United States Marine Corps.

John is the host of the upcoming TV series AI: Unpacking the Black Box, produced by WITF and Origin AI, which premieres this fall on PBS member stations and will be available for streaming on the PBS app.